California RSOL will attend the Huntington Beach City Council Hearing and speak at the second reading of the proposed modification of the the Ordinance prohibiting registrants to enter public parks and places. Come join us at 6 pm on Monday, February 4th!
6:00 PM – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – 2000 Main Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Will you be making it known that you will sue them if the ordinance passes?
I am glad you are bringing this up, as the point of modifying the ordinance also eludes me. They are doing all this just to end up with an ordinance that has already been shot down once as unconstitutional.
HB is one of the 4 OC cities that is being sued. Will this amendment have an impact on the lawsuit? The City of Lake Forest did the sensible thing – both financially and legally – and repealed.
What is the point of this modification?
I have been very patient with many of these city councils. So, I look forward to presenting before the Huntington Beach city council tomorrow. It’s a family thing.